This spring I was on a soccer team the Rage this game. It rained so it was really muddy our coach said get down and ,dirty he said we could be get down ,and dirty more than the other team ,and he said we would bet them, but the coach was not right we lost it was a hard team we still had fun. After the game the coach said to go slid in the mud to get down and dirty we got mud all over each other. Then my mom took a picture of us doing this. that soccer game was one of our most fun games that we ever played in that season my friends had fun to I bet we all had a really good time at that soccer game. When we got to the car I was all muddy so that was a big big problem we got that out of the way, but I forgot how we got out of that so I can't tell you it was afun time I already said like five times so it was really fun.
The Baptism Story
14 years ago