Friday, April 10, 2009

Dear Easter Bunny

I wrote a letter to the Easter Bunny and I made up the poem on the bunny. I love doing projects like this at school. I made this from an Easter packet my teacher gave me. Today we had an Easter Egg hunt at the park across from the school and after we got to play there. We had a sub after lunch because my teacher went to a meeting. We have Spring Break all next week! I hope the weather will be nice all week. I am excited for Easter to come on Sunday.


  1. Happy Easter Kali!! Since you have Spring Break I'm SURE you'll have some great things to blog about from all your Kreative projects! I'm looking forward to seeing them!

  2. Hey Kal! Your sure special. I hope you have a great game tomorrow! I like to look at the things that you've made. Your so creative. Love you, DAD
